Thursday, June 26, 2003

Who Knew?

If you told me that Alou would a hit a two run bomb and Estes pitch lights out then the Cubs should have won. Who knew the bullpen went into self destruct mode on Wednesday. It was almost too much to watch as Wellemeyer got blasted in the 10th. Only Joe Borowski pitched well out of the pen. At least Estes turned the ship around today, but he can be back next week. The Cubs need for Prior to put a cap on this series and take the lead into the central against the Sox. I need to finish up a project for school this weekend, so there could be very few posts after Saturday. I head to camp for a week. I have been going to this camp for 12 years now.

Have no fear, there are plenty of good sites for you to visit on the left of the screen. I am also heading to Austria for 5 weeks starting July 5th. I will have internet access in my dorm room. I am taking some German classes as I really try to graduate this year. I will be back in the states on August 13th. I went to Europe two years ago and I remember reading the USA Today to find out that the Cubs traded for Mcgriff. Has anybody tried out the MLB.TV thing yet. I was thinking about buying a subscription so I can watch some games while I was in class. If you have drop me a line and tell me if it is worth it, if not I will get the MLB audio and listen to Santo the whole time.